The Advantages of Asphalt Shingles
In the past most home builders chose wood shake, slate, or clay roofs, which were very durable and visually striking. With economical changes, homeowners looked for more affordable roofing options, thus leading to the manufacturing of asphalt shingle roofs, which were less expensive, but were also less durable than the other options and were known to detract from a home’s appearance. However, in the past few years, manufacturers have improved on the quality and appearance of asphalt shingles. If you’re in the position of having to replace your roof, these are a good option, so here are a couple of suggestions on how to choose the right one for your home:
Selecting Shingle Style
One of the advantages of this type of roofing is that most manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, giving shingles a natural look that can match your original roofing composition. As you’re shopping around, think of your home’s overall look. If your house originally had wood shingles, brown asphalt shingles might be your best bet. If you are replacing slate, many manufacturers make slate look-alike shingles that will “gel” with the original style of your home. If you’re replacing a tile roof, it can be harder to duplicate on, but some manufacturers make clay or light-colored shingles that can adeptly replace your old tile roof. If you’re layering, there are some colors that could make the tile look like wood or slate to the average eye.
Check out Samples
If you are having trouble deciding on the right look, consult with a roofer, who has a wealth of experience with roofing materials and shingle styles. He will provide samples in a wide variety of colors that you can use to compare with the look of your home. You may also wish to browse the Internet and print out designs you’re considering for your home. This can guide your contractor in helping you choose the style you want for your home. If he does a good job at guiding you, consider hiring him to do the project, and he’ll have your home looking brand new in just a few days!