Window Cleaning
The Importance of Clean Windows
Let’s face it: the old saying, “I don’t do windows,” applies to most homeowners. Some people do it during that delightful weekend of spring cleaning, but in reality, windows should be washed at least every two months. If you’re in a forest or in a city, dirt attaches to your windows much faster, so they should be cleaned once every month.
Why bother? Windows allow light into your home, which helps heat your home in winter. This can also keep your electric bills low, as you can use the sun to light your room, as well as provide heat. Dirt and build-up can block access.
Self-Cleaning Windows This is an option that can save you the time it takes to clean windows. There is a new type of glass, called hydrophilic glass that is covered in a film that doesn't allow dirt to cling to it. In order to self-clean, they require a moderate-to-heavy rain for the chemicals to work, and they’re more expensive than other windows. So if you’re in a climate where you get a fair amount of rain, these would be a good investment. Otherwise, do it yourself or hire a window cleaning service.
Window Cleaning Services There are plenty of services in your area that can come clean your windows at your convenience. You may want to start by having them come once every three or four months. If it’s not getting your windows clean enough, call them more frequently. Once you have a set schedule, along with a window cleaning service you like and trust, you’ll never have to worry about it again: it’ll be like putting on socks.